Rights & Responsibilities

Patient Rights


We honor patient rights and inform patients of their rights. The Welcome Packet expands upon these rights and all patients are encouraged to review the Welcome Packet thoroughly.

Patients have the right to:

  1. Be fully informed in advance about care and treatment to be provided by the agency;
  2. Be fully informed in advance of any changes in the care or treatment to be provided by the agency when those changes may affect the patient’s well‐being;
  3. Voice grievances without fear of discrimination or reprisal;
  4. Confidentiality of personal information;
  5. Have one’s property treated with respect;
  6. Be fully informed of the agency’s telephone number for information, questions and/or complaints about services provided by the agency and a description of the process for investigating and resolving complaints. The agency shall investigate and resolve all patient complaints and document the results in a timely manner. The agency shall label all equipment with name, address, and telephone number of the agency.
  7. Privacy in treatment and personal care;
  8. Be free from mental and physical abuse;
  9. Refuse treatment;
  10. Refuse experimental treatment and drugs;
  11. Have his or her records kept confidential and private; and
  12. Self‐determination, which encompasses the right to make choices regarding life‐sustaining treatment, including resuscitative services.

Patient Responsibilities

Prism identifies the responsibilities of patients and educates them appropriately to ensure adherence to these requirements. The main emphasis is on quality patient care, including patient safety during the use of their products.

It is the responsibility of the patient to:

  1. Dial “911” whenever a life threatening medical emergency arises.
  2. Provide complete and accurate information regarding your history and billing information.
  3. Comply with your physician’s orders and plan of care.
  4. Use and care for the product provided and not allow use by anyone other than patient or designated caregiver educated on providing dressing changes for the patient.
  5. Contact Prism with any product defect, and allow our staff to correct the problem.
  6. Advise Prism of any changes in your status, including address, medical condition, billing information.
  7. Assume payment responsibility for services not covered by your insurance carrier, except where not allowed by law.
  8. Maintain a safe home environment for the proper utilization of product.
  9. Report safety concerns and occurrences of patient falls to the treating provider.Pay for the replacement costs of any product damaged, destroyed, or lost due to misuse, abuse, or neglect.


Last updated: 05/2020